Sandusky city council gave the go-ahead to changing filters in the city’s Waste Water Treatment system, at a cost of over $14,000 dollars. The action came during Monday evening’s meeting.
City Manager Dave Faber said the filters were last changed in 2007, adding it is past time that they were replaced. Faber told council the filters would be replaced over a period of time to minimize that disruption to the system but would be completed by this Spring.
In other council news, Faber said consideration is being given to changing the date of the City’s Easter Egg Hunt along with a new location.
Organizers are working towards holding the event on March 22nd, according to Faber and plans are in the works to move the event to Diamond Trail.
He said they are working on details to possibly provide an aircraft to flyover and do a candy drop and the new location would be more suitable.
Councilmember Brad Harris expressed his concern over a number of blight locations within the city and asked if something could be done about it.
He identified seven addresses that he walks by frequently that according to him, are violations of the City’s Blight Ordinance. Faber told Harris plans were already underway to have someone available for blight issues in the winter, along with the normal officer who works three or four months in the summer time.
Faber said the city has been approached by two townships about contracting with the city for additional blight control.