Greg Alexander Judge Donald Teeple
Bob Conley
There are going to be plenty of changes in the Sanilac County Courthouse following this years election cycle, all the way from the Courts, Sheriff, Drain Commission, Board of Commissioners and possibly in the Prosecutor’s Office.
Among those stepping away from their duties with the County are District 4 Commissioner Bob Conley.
Commissioners Joel Wyatt and Joe O’Mara have indicated they intend to run again for their positions while Commissioner Dan Dean is considering his options. It is unclear what Commissioner Gary Heberling’s plans are.
Circuit Court Judge Donald Teeple will be stepping down from the bench, after 30 years of service to the county while Drain Commissioner Greg Alexander has decided to run for a State level position.
County Clerk Denise McGuire and Treasurer Trudy-Nichol-Bowers have announced they intend to file for re-election.
County Building and Grounds Supervisor Roger Ballard will be retiring from the County this year and has announced he plans to run for the vacant District 4 Commission seat vacated by Commissioner Conley.