(SANILAC COUNTY) – Last weekend’s gale force winds, creating 20 foot waves that slammed the shoreline of Lake Huron, has put the future of several homes in the Lexington area in peril of falling into the lake.
According to one Detroit media report, at least four homes, if not more, sustained heavy erosion damage over the weekend with one home losing it’s stairways to the lake from the violent, crashing waves and another home within six feet of falling into the lake.
Some of the homeowners winter in Florida and are not aware of the impending danger to their property.
Another homeowner has said they checked with their insurance agent and found out if their home does indeed crash in to the lake, their insurance does not cover the home or contents.
The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers is aware of the issue and agreed it is a critical situation.
Large amount of land, homeowner’s beautiful lake front property, has collapsed into the water from last week’s storms.
Another strong storm out of the east and officials say a number of homes could well fall into Lake Huron.