Findings from a fatal shooting in Lapeer have been submitted to the Lapeer County Prosecutor’s Office to see what, if any, charges may be filed against a 34-year old Lapeer man involved in the incident. Police say they handed over their report of the investigation of last month’s shooting that claimed the life of Arthur Kohn III while at a Clark gas station near the railroad tracks on M-24. The incident is being considered a case of road rage according to police and now the Prosecutor’s Office will determine if it was a case of self-defense or something other than that. According to reports, the two had pulled into the gas station parking area where police say Kohn allegedly opened the passenger door of the other vehicle with a crowbar in his hand and was shot by the driver with two close-range shots hitting Kohn, one of them in the chest. He died a short time later at Mclaren Regional Hospital of gunshot wounds.