Sanilac County votes on 2nd Amendment issue



Nearly 50 people attended

the Board of Commission meeting

(SANDUSKY) – The Sanilac County Board of Commission met Tuesday afternoon, in front of an audience of nearly 50 people who came to make comments about the 2nd Amendment issue.
A number of those in attendance encouraged Commissioners to support their Constitutional Rights to bear arms including Lee Rich who asked and answered his own question of “Does the U.S. Government have the right to take our guns away from us? No. It’s protected in the 2nd Amendment.”
Another person spoke from the crowd, saying “Make a stand for us – the public, and support this resolution”.
Commissioner Joel Wyatt told the large gathering “the resolution was merely a symbolic move on the board’s part. It’s not binding, it is not a law. It’s something we send on to our legislators letting them know we, as a board, have voiced our concern and that we support all of our 2nd Amendment rights”.
On a roll call vote, the 2nd Amendment resolution passed 4-1 with Chairman Bob Conley being the lone dissenting vote, only due to him not liking wording in the resolution.

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