Sandusky police investigate incident at Walmart

Police investigate possible human trafficking



(SANDUSKY) – A worried mother summoned Sandusky police to Walmart Monday evening, after she felt two men were following her children into a restroom in a possible human trafficking incident.

Chief Bret Lester said the unidentified woman called police after observing her older son take his young brother into the restroom, followed by two Hispanic men believed to be in their 20s.
Chief Lester said an officer made contact with the men and after working through a language barrier with the Spanish speaking men, learned they were in the country legally, with proper papers and worked in the Deckerville area.
According to police, the men were in the store tending to business and had receipts to show they had used Western Union services and had done nothing wrong.
The woman posted her experience in a lengthy Facebook post and Chief Lester said while it is always a good thing when parents are extra aware of their surroundings, in this case, the men were simply in the store making their transactions.

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