Sanilac County residents gather for brainstorming session

(SANDUSKY) – A community meeting, open to all residents from Sanilac County, was held at Liberty Lanes earlier this week and attendees brainstormed about the possibility of a county-wide community center and what that might look like.
Sandusky City Manager Dave Faber helped organize the meeting and said overall, it was a productive meeting and several good ideas shared.
Faber said the fact that Maple Valley School has been listed for sale expedited the timing of the conversation and, at the direction Sandusky city council members, he conducted the meeting for feedback.
Faber said nearly 100 people attended with general conversation held about what a center would entale. He stated no one community could afford to run the center, rather it would need to be a countywide investment.
While the obvious issue is finding a funding source, those in attendance discussed ideas for the center including an indoor walking track, daycare services, an indoor pool and other activities.
The thought for the potential Center would be what Faber called a place for everyone, “from birth to the end” – all age groups could teach each other,” he said. “For example, we have youth who could teach seniors to use a cell phone and we have seniors who could teach youth to cook. They don’t have home economics class anymore. Kids could benefit from spending time with seniors just as much as seniors could with youth.”
The Sandusky school district has decided to sell the Maple Valley facility, with an asking price beginning at $195,000 dollars. School officials say they have had several inquiries about the building and the 19 acres it is located on.
Faber, who called the meeting a great first step, said those in attendance felt if a center was developed, it would be a benefit to everyone in the county.
Another meeting is being planned for later in the Spring as residents and various community groups continue to consider ideas of a new center.

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