Sanilac County crash injures three

(SANILAC COUNTY) – A two-vehicle, head-on collision in Sanilac County’s Sanilac Township injured three people late Thursday afternoon. Michigan State Police – Caro post were called to the intersection of Applegate and State Road, closing the roadway for investigation.
According to Troopers, a 53-year old Applegate man was treated and released having sustained minor injuries in the crash.
Two other people in the second vehicle, a 33-year old Applegate woman and her 10-year old son, were transported to an area hospital for non-life threatening injuries, but reported to be in serious condition.
MSP Troopers were assisted by Applegate Fire and Rescue, Port Sanilac Fire Dept Jaws of Life, ambulances from Sanilac and Tri Hospital EMS, and the Sanilac County Sheriff’s Office.
According to investigators, alcohol does appear to have been a factor in the crash which remains under investigation.

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