Emmett and Memphis considering fire authority

(ST. CLAIR COUNTY) – Emmett and Memphis officials will meet to discuss a possible creation of an Emmett-Memphis Fire Authority.
Talks have been underway for the past three years to form a fire authority, which would combine the financial resources of the two departments.
Officials will meet at 6 p.m. this evening (Thursday) at the Memphis City Hall, to discuss the issue, which is still in the preliminary stages.
Emmett fire officials feel the fire authority would pool the stations’ resources to provide better incentives to recruit new volunteers.
It’s believed the authority would not raise residents’ taxes, instead current taxes for fire service would be pooled together.
The two stations would continue as they currently do with staffing and operations, with each station reporting to the calls closest to them while both stations would respond to large incidents.
If officials decided to proceed, Memphis City Council and the Village of Emmett Board of Trustees would need to vote to ratify the authority.

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