(SANDUSKY) – A tele-conference between several county leaders and local media Monday afternoon shed some light on the current situation in Sanilac County regarding the coronavirus outbreak.
Emergency Management Director Todd Hillman organized the press conference with participants from Sanilac County Mental Health, Sanilac County Health Department, Sanilac County Courthouse and Emergency Services.
Officials say as of 2pm Monday, there are 14 cases confirmed in Sanilac County, including a second death that occurred over the weekend. Two people have recovered from the virus, leaving 10 active cases, all of who are practicing self-quarantine at their homes. The second death was a female over the age of 80, from the Applegate area.
During Monday’s meeting, several agencies spoke about their role with the coronavirus. Michelle McDonald from the Health Department said there are 14 cases, including two deaths and two recoveries.
Of the ten still-active cases, all patients are self-quarentining at their homes with no one hospitalized.
McDonald said the confirmed patients have no history of travel outside of Michigan, but had traveled outside of Sanilac County. She says local hospitals have two or three ventilator on hand each.
Emergency Management Director Todd Hillman said while there is sufficient personal protective equipment currently for those on then front lines battling the virus, “if there is a surge, we will have an issue. We’re starting to feel a pinch with the number of cases.”
Also in the meeting, Health Department officials say while the typical wait for COVID-19 test results was five to seven days, it’s now down to three to five days. Patients who display symptoms of COVID-19 are encouraged to contact their family doctor who will determine if a test is needed.
Hillman said all four quadrants of the county have been affected by the virus and a heat map – showing where the concentrations of cases are, is being developed this week.
Among the victims in Sanilac County, four people are between the ages of 30-39 while another six are between the ages of 40-59. Four victims are between the ages of 60-69 while just one victim is older than 70.
The two Sanilac County deaths were a man in his sixties from the Croswell-Lexington area and a woman over the age of 80 from the Applegate area.