Candidates continue to file in Sanilac County

Sanilac County Clerk Denise McGuire gave an update on the election filings posted to her office as of Thursday. To this point, running unopposed are; Prosecuting Attorney Brenda Sanford; Clerk Denise McGuire, Treasurer Trudy Bowers, Register of Deeds Michele VanNorman, Road Commission member Randy Horst and Probate Judge Gregory Ross.
Also unopposed are five candidates running for the Board of Commission; Jon Block (District 1), Gary Heberling (District 2), Bill Sarkella (District 3) Roger Ballard (District 4) and Joel Wyatt (District 5).
It is a three-way race for Sheriff with Nate Smith, Paul Rich and Steve McKenney vying for the position while Doug Sweet and Brian Williams are competing for Drain Commissioner.
John Milletics and Ben Tank are on the ballot for County Surveyor while Mark Davidson, Tim Wrathell and Scott Radloff are campaigning for the vacant Circuit Court Judge position.
No one has filed for Supervisor positions in Argyle, Bridgehampton and Austin Townships nor for either Republican or Democratic delegates to the County Convention from Argyle Township.

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