The Sanilac County Board of Commission held an emergency meeting Wedndesday to deal with a few items that needed immediate attention.
Commissioners approved a resolution stating Sanilac County departments and offices, and all services budgeted by the County are prohibited from hiring new employees or creating new positions.
Further, staff is prohibited from filling new or existing vacant positions, transfer, recall or promote between county departments or offices, or internal promotions within a department or office.
The action comes in light of the on-going coronavirus pandemic that has affected how everyone, including Sanilac County government, does business. Commissioners, or Administrator/Controller Tara Griffith may grant exceptions, based on certain criteria.
Sanilac County employees with non-essential duties, those with reduced hours, or employees who are immune compromised themselves, or caring for a loved one who is, can apply to participate in a furlough program.
The CARES Act is providing a federal subsidy of $600 per week in unemployment insurance, on top of up to $362 per week in unemployment insurance.
County officials say an employee could receive a weekly benefit of up to $962 per week. The federal subsidy is in effect until July 31st of this year.
In order to further assist employees taking a furlough, the County will continue paying the employer portion of health care coverage during the course of the employee’s furlough, employees would continue to accrue seniority during this time as well.
Emergency Responders are exempt from applying.