(SANDUSKY) – While Michigan continues to move forward with re-opening phases, Sanilac Community Mental Health is evaluating it’s methods of providing services while continuously reviewing efforts to reduce the risks of COVID19 exposure to the individuals served, the CMH staff and the community.
The Administration Building and the David Ehardt Center returned to regular hours in May when all staff returned full time.
Effective on June 1, 2020, the Croswell Office of Sanilac CMH was reopened with business hours of 8 am – 4 pm.
Services continue to be provided via telephone or face to face. Anyone entering Sanilac CMH offices are screened. At this time, due to group size limitations, as well as vulnerability of individuals, services are not being provided at Creative Enterprises or the Journey Skill Center.
The Agency is beginning to offer community training to groups under 10 by invitation. Any updates will be shared on the Agency website at www.sanilaccmh.org and on their Facebook page.
All COVID-19 safety precautions are being utilized, including facemasks and social distancing.