Sanilac Health Department answers the call

The Sanilac County Board of Commissioners were updated on COVID-19 matters at their latest meeting, hearing good news from Health Director Bryant Wilke.
Numbers of positive cases nationwide continue to decline and Sanilac County has been among the fortunate, reporting just 42 cases since the pandemic was thrust into the limelight 12 weeks ago.
Wilke commended his staff for their outstanding work during very trying times saying employees pulled together and did their jobs without hesitation.
He also said he handled a situation last week, talking to three Sandusky businesses that were premature in re-opening their doors.
Since the lifting of stay-at-home orders, Wilke told Commissioners the department has been working with county schools in trying to organize graduation ceremonies, saying the kids deserved to be recognized for their outstanding achievement with a formal ceremony.
He also explained to Commissioners that county parks were re-opening for overnight camping, while maintaining social CDC safety guidelines.

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