Three arrested in alleged home invasion

(SANILAC COUNTY) – Three Sanilac County men are facing felony charges following an alleged home invasion earlier this year.
According to the Sanilac County Sheriff Department, deputies were dispatched to the 3000 block of Gosline Road in Marlette Township for a reported home invasion in progress in April.
Upon the Deputies arrival, they were advised that the three male subjects had left the residence prior to their arrival on scene.
Deputies were advised that the three male subjects had broken into the house, assaulted several people inside, taken some electronic gaming systems and then left the house.
Deputies located a male subject hiding in a ditch holding the stolen gaming systems.
The 17-year-old Brown City resident was taken into custody without incident and lodged in the Sanilac County Jail on numerous charges.
After obtaining witness statements and interviews, Detectives were able to positively identify and obtain warrants for the other two suspects. An 18-year-old Marlette man was arrested and lodged at the Sanilac County jail and later bonded out after his arraignment.
The third suspect, a 25-year-old Marlette man turned himself in and also bonded out after his arraignment.
All three suspects face multiple felony charges including Armed Robbery and Home Invasion.

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