A spike in COVID-19 cases has happened in Lapeer County, causing health department officials to distribute the following press release:
“With the widespread nature of COVID-19, there is a heightened awareness of increasing numbers of positive cases among special populations across our State, including the migrant populations. This is very common because of the outbreaks across the southern parts of the United States, and the many people vacationing at this time. These workers are vital to agriculture and a necessary part of the workforce here in Lapeer County.
Near the end of last week we reported a cluster of 8 associated cases of COVID-19. Those cases were related to the county’s migrant employee population and as a result, additional testing took place last Friday. Many of those test results have now come back, with an
additional 24 cases identified, most of whom are connected with the original reported cluster.
At this time, the majority of these cases involve 3 of the camps, and a couple private residents. Public health, Great Lakes Bay Health Care, and the Hispanic Service Center are working diligently with the businesses and their workers to enable them to self-quarantine in their areas of lodging.
Other local resources have also graciously stepped up to assist with needed provisions to help contain the situation and education in order to help contain and stop the spread.
As there are still active cases spreading in Lapeer County, it is vitally important that each of us remain diligent in our actions on a day to day basis. Not everyone who is infected with the Coronavirus associated with COVID-19 will have symptoms.
Also, don’t assume that your runny nose, sore throat, or low-grade fever are just “allergies.” If uncertain – get tested. To help curb further infection, we need to continue to wear our masks and social distance when in public, wash our hands often, and disinfect surfaces often.
There are no other tools in our toolbox that will stop the spread of the virus at this time. All of our businesses need your help to ensure they can safely operate during this period of time.
If you would like additional information on COVID-19, it can be found on the MDHHS website www.michigan.gov/coronavirus, or on the CDC website https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/