Smith withdraws from Sheriff race

Nathan Smith, a Lieutenant with the Sanilac County Sheriff Department had filed as a candidate for Sheriff in the upcoming August election. On Monday of this week, he announced he was ending his campaign.
His withdrawal letter is below:
“Nathan Smith of Marlette proudly announces that he has chosen to remove his name from the August 4, 2020 ballot for Sanilac County Sheriff in order to unequivocally and fully endorse Paul Rich for that position.
He would like to thank his family and his supporters for their enthusiasm and encouragement, and hopes they will consider supporting Rich’s campaign as he will be.
When he originally ran for the office, it was at the urging of current employees of the office and community members. As with all important decisions, Nathan talked to his family, his wife and her family. His intentions were to offer the voters a candidate who, according to his filing announcement, “has the trusted experience for our future and the vision, organizational skills and track record in the community to do what he says.”
While he still knows that he could be that candidate, Nathan recently gave the election a second look. Understanding that the office is not about the individual who holds the title, and carefully considering Paul Rich’s experience with law enforcement leadership and community outreach, Nathan again talked with his family and active supporters, and is glad to endorse and support Rich for Sheriff.”
Smith concluded, “As I said in the beginning of my campaign, our citizens need a Sheriff who has developed trust throughout our community and a Sheriff who has the experience to lead us into the future. Paul Rich has that experience, and we share the same commitment to move the Sheriff’s Office forward. Paul is the candidate with the best interests at heart for the Office and our community.”
Nathan Smith

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