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(HURON COUNTY) – The new Meijer store in Bad Axe finally has an official opening date.
After rumors had been floating around for several days about a projected opening date of July 9th, Meijer Coporate officials have now confirmed Thursday, July 9th is indeed the opening date, starting at 6 a.m.
Company officials said the new store will follow mandated state requirements and guidelines regarding social distancing, including safety decals on the floor where customers typically gather and protective plexiglass shields at checkout stations.
Located near the corner of M-53 and M-142, the Meijer store has almost 160,000 square feet of space featuring departments in groceries, bakery, retail, pharmacy and a garden center.
Although an opening had been planned earlier this spring, the COVID-19 pandemic slowed the opening of the newest box store in the Thumb, by several weeks.
Team members will receive daily health screenings and temperature checks and are recommended to wear masks. Customers will be requested to wear masks according to state guidelines. A
lso on the property, The 3,500-square-foot Meijer Express convenience store and gas station opened May 7th.

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