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Brown City Police Chief to retire

(SANILAC COUNTY) – After 25 years with the Brown City Police Department, the past 22 as chief, Ron Smith is set to retire in early November.
Smith submitted a notification letter to the Brown City Mayor and City Council at their meeting on Monday, October 12.
“I have had the honor and privilege of leading the Brown City Police Department for over twenty years. I would like to thank each and every one of you for that opportunity” Smith said in his letter. He added, “To the Mayor, City Manager, and City Council, I want to thank you for providing great working conditions, equipment, and understanding. I want to thank the City of Brown City and the residents of Brown City for allowing me to serve the community for the past twenty-five years.”
Chief Smith graduated from the Macomb Police Academy in May 1995 and was then immediately hired by the Sanilac County Sheriff’s Department.
He began working for Brown City as a part-time officer in 1995, then he later was hired as a full-time patrol officer and served in that capacity until he was promoted to Police Chief in 1998.
While working for Brown City, he was also employed as a part-time patrol officer in Peck, Lexington and Armada.
“When I first started in police work,” Smith wrote, “I was told by some I would not make a difference or change the world. I responded by saying if I could help one person through my career, it would change their world and therefore make a difference; I approached this career with that attitude and tried to do my best to help as many people as possible.” He went on to say that he has met many citizens, staff and council members that I will keep close to my heart and never forget.
Police Chief Smith said that he has had a very rewarding career, but decided that it would be best for him and his family to retire. He went on to say that, “It was not an easy decision.”
Smith implemented body cameras for all officers, advocated for increased training, was the first department in Sanilac County to have in-car camera systems and laptop computers connected to the Michigan Law Enforcement Information Network (LEIN), introduced TASERS to the department, participated in international police training opportunities, doubled as a resource officer for the Brown City Community Schools, and trained over twenty newly certified police officers.
City Manager Clint Holmes said that specific dates and deadlines for appointing a new police chief have not yet been determined by the City Council.

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