Superintendent Paul Flynn
October 29, 2020
Dear Parents of Sandusky Students,
As we continue to learn and grow educationally through this uncertain time, the district is focused on improvement of instruction for all students, whether in our traditional setting, or those who have chosen the virtual path.
This commitment to providing quality instruction has compounded the workload of our teachers, and reduced their personal time as well.
At the secondary level, we have attempted to utilize full day virtual days to help us accommodate the needs of required grade level testing. These days have given teachers some time to focus on their needs in the virtual program such as grading assignments and completing the mandatory two way communication logs.
To attempt to address the need for time for our staff and students, we will be altering the daily schedule for November and December with a two hour early release schedule on Wednesdays.
The school calendar already has two of these dates for district wide early release (Nov. 11 & Dec 9). There is no plan at this time to alter the schedule of the elementary school.
There will be an added take home run for buses for the secondary students who require transportation. Career Center students will attend their programs as established on early release days.
This alteration of the schedule will give us the opportunity to evaluate the schedule and the needs of the staff and students. We will also be able to gather more data on the success of our virtual instruction as we hope to continue growth and improvement.
Our number one goal remains to keep our buildings open for traditional instruction as long as possible, and we appreciate the precautions parents and students take to remain healthy.
We want to thank our families for their vigilance in monitoring the symptoms of their children, and communication with the school with any concerns.
Schools play a vital role in our communities, and we have seen that being able to have the in-person option this school year has provided a significant benefit for the academic, social, emotional, and physical wellbeing of our students and families.
Having schools open and operational also allows for parents and caregivers to keep attending work, thus, sustaining our local economy.
We stand united with our local health department sharing a common goal to sustain the optimal learning environment of in-person
instruction as long as possible.
Thank you for your continued support of Sandusky Community Schools
Paul R. Flynn