By Brandy Davis — Sanilac Broadcasting
A cease and desist order from the Sanilac County Health Department’s Health Director, Bryant Wilke has been issued to the Big Boy restaurant in Sandusky. The order, which is dated November 20, 2020, states that the department has received multiple complaints regarding the restaurant’s decision to continue to operate dine in services even after the emergency order took place. It also states that it has received numerous calls regarding employee standards not being followed, specifically not providing or requiring facemask protection to their employees. The restaurant was also advised in the letter that it is imperative to adhere to all emergency orders issued by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. The cease and desist order also notes that the restaurant has accumulated a $2,000 fine with additional days to be added if the facility continues to operate for dine in services. Per a social media post, the Sandusky Big Boy has no plans on closing dine in services and will continue to fight the order. We will have more news as this story develops.