Sanilac County Historical Museum awarded grant

The Sanilac County Historical Museum Board of Directors has announced they have been awarded a grant to help in the cost of the construction of a one mile walking path.
Museum officials said they have been notified by the Sanilac Community Foundation of a grant totaling $2,240 dollars.
The funding will help see the project through as officials hope to complete the project in time for the Memorial Day weekend in 2021.
Board of Directors member Al Broughton and his wife, Martha, were among those who came up with the idea.
The path will begin at the far south east corner of the property at M25, and continue throughout the entire grounds, utilizing the existing hard surface walkway that passes many of the historic buildings and gardens on the grounds.
The community will be invited to adopt wooden planks to be engraved and used in the building of the boardwalk.
A grand opening ceremony is being planned for next Spring.

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