St. Clair Couty Dive Team receives donation

(ST. CLAIR COUNTY) – Thanks to the generosity of a local motorcycle club, the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Office Dive Team has benefitted from a substantial donation to help with their search and rescue program.
According to a press release from the St. Clair County Sheriff Department, the Dive Team received a substantial donation over the weekend.
Members of the Wolverine Chapter of the Nam Knights Motorcycle Club presented a check for $2000 Saturday afternoon to Sheriff Mat King and Dive Team Chief Wayne Brusate.
Chapter president Tony Caron and several members of the club came to the Sheriff’s Office to present the check. Members of the chapter live throughout Southeastern Michigan.
The donation came from proceeds of a poker run that was held last fall. Sheriff Mat King said the donation would be used to help continue the team’s function of rescue, recovery and education on the waterways of St. Clair County.

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