Sanilac County soldier; brother, surprise family with special Christmas gift

Felipe Macias, III                       Seth, Michele, Selena, Felipe and Brendan Macias.
(Photos courtesy of the Macias family)
(SANILAC COUNTY) – Felipe and Michele Macias have had to wait almost 18 months to set their eyes on their oldest son, U.S. Army Pfc. Felipe Macias III.
But this year, the Macias family received an early Christmas surprise shortly after they returned from a trip to Florida Monday night.
A Sanilac County Sheriff Department SUV pulled into their driveway, part of the plan devised by the family’s two oldest brothers.
The family said they had no idea why police were in their driveway.
In a matter of a few minutes, they figured out a shadow of a man walking up the driveway was actually their son, Felipe.
Michele and Phil were quickly joined in the driveway by the rest of the family with Brendan, the only one knowing about the surprise, catching the moment on video.
Felipe, a military police officer serving a three-year assignment at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii, had requested leave several times earlier this year, each one being turned down.
Several weeks ago he requested leave again, and last Friday, he found out it was approved. He immediately purchased tickets to fly home.
After doing his part to pull off the surprise, Brendan arrived home around 9:30 p.m. with the Sanilac County Sheriff Department arriving with the special surprise a short time later.

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