Sanilac County Health Department UPDATE

From the Sanilac County Health Department:
“COVID19 Vaccination Update-
Sanilac County will tentatively receive vaccine doses sometime after December 22, 2020 as part of the Moderna Vaccine roll out – if all goes as planned with FDA/CDC approvals in the next two weeks. The first doses will be dedicated for Healthcare workers and long-term care clients – see Phase 1 groups below. The federal government has contracted with Walgreens and CVS to provide vaccine administration to all the long-term care facilities and adult foster care homes as well as those healthcare workers staffing these facilities. This concentrated activity will begin as soon as vaccine supplies reach these two providers.
• Phase 1A
o Healthcare personnel
o Long term care facility residents
• Phase 1B
o Essential workers (examples: education sector, food and agriculture, utilities, police, firefighters, corrections officers, transportation)
• Phase 1C
o Adults with high-risk medical conditions
o Adults 65 years and older
The health department’s estimated count to cover Phase 1A above is approximately 1,100 healthcare workers and approximately 600 long-term care residents.
We anticipate receiving enough vaccine to cover Phase 1A either in one or two shipments. The Moderna vaccine is a two shot series with the second shot 28 days after the first. Its effectiveness is 50% with the first shot and 94.1% effectiveness once the second shot is received. Therefore, it’s imperative to receive both shots as well as the second shot being an identical vaccine brand. The health department will be working with McKenzie Hospital and others to assure we have enough vaccine and resources to vaccinate our community as fast as possible.
As vaccines become available it’s still essential to remember to protect each other by wearing a mask and social distancing. The vaccination process will take time and we need everyone’s patience in keeping CoVid19 cases from spreading. Continuing to following key factors such as wearing a mask and not socializing in groups is imperative.
The department anticipates availability to offer vaccines to the general public sometime in the mid to later part of the second quarter of the new year.
The Covid19 vaccine is not currently available to the general public, we will post to our social media accounts when it does become available, but please be aware, this may not be for a few months.”

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