Weight restrictions in effect throughout the Thumb

Counties throughout the Thumb Region are beginning to keep an eye on roads as frost begins to come out. Law enforcement, on behalf of Road Commissions across the state, are now keeping watch for overloaded trucks and other vehicles violating weight restrictions. On March 3rd, Lapeer and St. Clair counties imposed weight restrictions. In Lapeer county, all roads south of I-69 are restricted to weight limits while roads north of the I-69 line went in to effect at the end of last week. Meanwhile, in St. Clair County, officials have aid no over weight permits will be issued during the Spring thaw season, without special permission. Drivers must reduce weight on their axles on weight observed roads and observe the 34 miles per hour speed limit. Sanilac County frost laws went into effect at the beginning of this week as special patrols are out monitoring traffic.

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