(ST. CLAIR COUNTY) – Thirteen fire departments from three counties responded to a field fire in St. Clair County’s Kenockee Township late Sunday afternoon.
Smoke from the wildfire could be seen for several miles as muiltiple agencies battled to keep flames from structures, including one pallet business in the area of Rynn and Bricker Roads in Kenockee Township.
Roads in the area were closed between while departments fought the fire while curious onlookers circled a one mile square.
Fire departments from St. Clair County, Macomb County and Sanilac County all responded to the scene.
Among those from Sanilac County were Croswell, Lexington and Speaker Township, all providing their grass fire rigs.
Departments from as far away as Richmond and Memphis responded to the mutual aid call, along with the Michigan DNR fire fighting division.
As of 7:15 p.m. Kenockee Township was still putting out hot spots in the field. Nearly every fire department in the area has issued bans on any burning until conditions improve.
While the ground is still wet from snow, fire officials say the top vegatation including weeds and brush are tinder dry and in prime condition to burn
Also among those assisting at Kenockee at the scene were fire departments from Burtchville Twp., Clyde Twp., Grant Twp., Emmett, Brockway Twp. and Mussey Twp.