(SANILAC COUNTY) – For the seconds time in less than a week, Sanilac County Sheriff Paul Rich awarded a Commendation for Life Saving to Deputy Chad Schmidt and Sergeant Christopher Kravitsky of the Uniform Services Division on Monday.
This is the second such award, in less than seven days, for Deputy Chad Schmidt, who on April 1st received a life-saving award for a save on March 30th.
On Friday, Deputy Schmidt and Sgt. Kravitsky overheard radio traffic for a medical call in the 6000 block of Ervin Street in the City of Marlette.
It was reported that a 27-year-old subject had overdosed on heroin and Deputy Schmidt was the first to arrive, asasessing the patient and determined that he was not breathing and had a faint pulse.
Deputy Schmidt administered Narcan to the subject. Upon the arrival of Sgt. Kravitsky a second dose of Narcan was administered and the subject began to again breathe on their own and regained consciousness.
Sheriff Rich says he extremely proud of his staff who once again helped save the life of someone who otherwise may have had a different outcome.