Brown City schools to pause face-to-face learning

(SANILAC COUNTY) – Brown City Superintendent Neil Kohler penned the following message to district parents in regards to the escalating number of COVID-19 casers in Sanilac County:
“Dear Brown City Community Schools Families,
As you may know, the spread of COVID-19 numbers are extremely high in Sanilac County, and unfortunately, the
county is a “hot-spot” both in the State of Michigan and nationally.
Our district continues to work very closely with the Sanilac County Health Department. At this point Mr. Bryant Wilke, Sanilac County Health Department Health Officer strongly and urgently recommends our district pause face-to-face instruction for all students.
Brown City Community Schools will transition to fully remote on Monday, April 12 and return to face-toface at the earliest on Monday, April 26. The District will re-evaluate this on April 22 and will communicate any changes.
Our district will be making the following modifications to our learning plan:
 All schools will move to fully remote learning on Monday, April 12 and remain in remote learning through at least
April 23.
 Students already participating in the 100% virtual program will continue in their current manner.
 Students will have scheduled Zoom meetings with their classes and teachers will be available during office hours for
support. Both buildings will run a “Synchronous Learning” schedule. This means the students’ daily schedule and
teachers’ daily schedule will remain mostly the same as if we were in school face-to-face. Your student’s teachers
will communicate the daily schedules with you. **On Tuesday-Thursday (April 13-15), the JH/HS schedules will
be asynchronous due to teachers needed to proctor state tests. This was communicated with parents earlier this week
in a previous announcement.**
 Sanilac County Career Center will also pivot to remote learning as of April 12 for all students.
 Learning Labs will be open at each building starting April 12 (Monday-Thursday). These labs will be for students
will IEP’s, 504 Plans, or connectivity issues. Please contact the office secretary by Monday, April 12 if you child
will be coming into the buildings for these purposes.
 Athletic teams and extracurricular groups can continue to meet, provided they are following all guidelines from the
MHSAA and health department including, all must be tested at least once a week to be eligible. Student athletes
must report to the high school office between 8:00-3:00 on Monday’s to take their weekly antigen test. Student
athletes 13-19 years old will not be allowed to participate in practice or games/meets until they have taken their
weekly antigen test.
 We will continue to provide a week’s worth of meals (5 breakfast and 5 lunch) for any family that needs these.
Please complete the following link if you would like meals for your child. Link to request meals for your student.
Due to a potential higher demand, the survey will need to be completed by Wednesday at 7:00am. Meal pick-up will
still take place on Thursday afternoons/evenings.

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