Residents voice concern of Imlay City PD possibly disbanding

Imlay City Commission members hear concerns of residents

(LAPEER COUNTY) – A large contingent of residents attended the last Imlay City commission meeting, to express their feelings on the topic of police protection within the city limits.
Word spread a few weeks ago of consideration being given to disbanding the city’s police department and possibly contracting with the Lapeer County Sheriff Department.
While city officials admit they have considered the option, no final decisions have been made, as they continue to investigate what would give the citizens the best possible police protection at a reasonable cost.
Last week, some residents told the Commission that it is unreasonable to think that the Sheriff Department could do a better job than city police, citing the relationship city officers have with the community’s residences and businesses.
While due to COVID stipulations only 15 residents were allowed in to the meeting room, another sizeable crowd gathered outside discussing the issue amongst themselves and members of the media
The Lapeer County Sheriff Department is expected to present a plan of operation to the Commission at a future meeting.

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