Mayville firefighter escorted home one last time

(TUSCOLA COUNTY) – It was a solemn scene Thursday when several fire departments joined in a procession that escorted a fallen Mayville fire department member home one last time.
In a non-fire related workplace tragedy, 41-year old Lieutenant Josh Topham passed away after falling 30 feet onto a piece of concrete and sustaining serious head trauma.
Members of the Mayville Fire Department say they had the honor of escorting Lieutenant Topham home Thursday, joined by several other agencies.
Members expressed their gratitude for all of the support from fellow Firefighters, Police Officers and First Responders.
Agencies taking part in the escort back to Mayville were the Caro police and fire departments, Reese police and fire, Bay City, Hampton Township and Essexville fire departments, Tuscola County Emergency Manager Steve Anderson and the Mayville fire and police departments.
Fostoria fire department covered Mayville’s service area while the processional returned to Tuscola County.

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