Two Vehicle Injury Traffic Crash in Lexington Township

Accident  investigated

On Friday, May 21, 2021, around 12:30 p.m., Sanilac Central Dispatch received a call regarding a two vehicle traffic crash on Old 51 near County Farm Rd. in Lexington Twp. Deputies along with Troopers from the Michigan State Police Caro Post, Croswell Fire, and Croswell EMS were dispatched to the scene.

The investigation revealed that a 2008 Kenworth Semi-Tractor pulling a 1990 Load King Trailer that had heavy construction equipment on it was southbound on Old 51.
The Semi-Tractor was being operated by a 25-year old male from Emmett and also occupied by a 19-year old male from Mussey Township.
The trailer had equipment failure which caused the operator to pull over to the far right portion of the roadway.
A 2005 Dodge Pickup being operated by a 62-year old male from Deckerville was behind the Semi-Tractor and Trailer, also traveling southbound.
The 62-year old male temporarily lost sight of the Semi-Tractor and Trailer due to the dust from the shoulder of the road and the male then ran into the rear of the trailer.
The 62-year old male was taken from the scene of the crash by Croswell EMS to Port Huron McLaren Hospital.
The two occupants of the Semi-Tractor were not injured.
It is believed the 62-year old male was not wearing his seatbelt and the airbag on the pickup did deploy.

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