Popular Lexington business back open for summer

A longtime favorite in Sanilac County has re-opened their doors for business and are planning a full opening in the coming weeks. The Windjammer Bar & Grill reopened in time for Memorial Day, after receiving the final approval from inspectors late last week. The bar portion of the business was open for last weekend’s holiday while the restaurant is planning an opening later this month. The famous nautical theme of the building as you pull up in the parking lot remains with the Captain Willy carved-out wooden statue of a boat captain still greeting guests. Major renovations have taken inside including new infrastructure, kitchen and bar area. Part of the dining area has been replaced with a covered patio, and the outside deck has also been entirely redone and is circled by a stainless steel-cable railing that allows for visitors to see straight out onto the water. The renovations are estimated to have cost the new owners in excess of half a million dollars.

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