(SANILAC COUNTY) – It didn’t take Deckerville officials long to begin work on school improvements, utilizing funding from a recently approved bond issue.
District voters gave approval last year of a $2.4 million dollar bond that clears the way for man improvements within the district.
Among the major summer projects this summer are the replacing of the gym floor, removal and replacement of gym bleachers and a roof replacement project.
Superintendent Michael Hugan said the new gym floor comes with a price tag of around $100,000 dollars while the new bleachers will have an installment cost of around $124,000 dollars.
Another $495,000 dollars will be spent on the roof work.
Alumni and other individuals have had an opportunity to collect some of the wood from the previous, historic bleachers that have been in place for decades, along with souvenir pieces of the gym floor.
Much of the work is expected to be completed by the time students return to the classrooms this fall.