The following is a letter from Superintendent Paul Flynn sent to Sandusky School parents, explaining decisions made regarding the wearing of masks and other safety precautions for the upcoming school year. Sandusky, like many school districts statewide, has decided to not require masks be worn in the classroom.
“As we begin preparations for the new school year, it is important for parents and students to know what to expect in the fall. Sandusky Community Schools worked diligently over the past year to ensure staff and student safety, while remaining open for face to face instruction as much as possible.
The district is committed to keeping our high expectation of cleanliness and disinfecting in place for our schools and buses. We look forward to welcoming all students back to school for instruction in the fall, and also have plans in place for those who are choosing to continue with online instruction. Please contact the building principal beginning in August if you have any questions about online instruction, as it will look significantly different than last year.
At this time, Sandusky Community Schools will not require staff or students to wear masks. We also will not be screening students for illness. We will not require vaccination for attendance in our buildings. We understand some parents will still want their children to wear a mask, and we welcome the student’s and parent’s choice to do so, especially in larger gathering areas.
The CDC and MDHHS currently recommend that students under the age of 12, and any unvaccinated student or staff member, wear a mask in the buildings. The guidelines are defined as recommendations by the state, and many of them are either common sense or protocols that local school districts have expected to make permanent in a post COVID-19 world.
Obviously things can change by the metrics or if any variant has an effect on our region. The district will abide by any mandates or requirements from these organizations, as well as MHSAA for athletics.
It is just as important this year for parents to monitor the health of their children and keep them home at the first sign of illness. This will benefit all students and help ensure a healthy school year.
Thank you for your continued support of Sandusky Community Schools.”