The St. Clair County Road Commission has announced that the Lapeer Road Asphalt Mill and Overlay is scheduled to begin July 22nd. Rehabilitation work on Lapeer Road from the I-94 Overpass to 24th Street is scheduled to begin on July 22nd.
Work will include milling the top layer of asphalt from the road and placing a new top course of asphalt.
The work will be completed under lane closures utilizing flaggers. Access will be maintained to traffic within the construction during the project.
Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction and seek alternate routes if possible.
They request your cooperation and patience during the construction work.
Construction is anticipated to be complete by July 30th, barring any weather delays.
Road Commission officials say all scheduling and project dates are subject to change depending on weather and the contractor’s schedule.
The project is financed by the St. Clair County Road Commission, the State of Michigan and the Federal Highway Administration at a total estimated cost for construction of $255,000.
The prime contractor is Ace-Saginaw Paving Company.