Two rescued from Lake Huron after storm

(HURON COUNTY) – Two people were rescued from Lake Huron, offshore of Huron County, Tuesday afternoon.
Sheriff Kelly Hanson says around 3 p.m., Huron Central Dispatch received calls from different on shore bystanders about a catamaran being flipped over in the water, in front of an approaching severe thunderstorm, about 250 yards south of the western end of Sand Point, in Caseville Township.
Deputies responded with the department’s airboat, along with the Caseville Fire Department and their trailered Zodiac rescue boat. Sheriff Hanson said two occupants with life jackets on were observed in the water attempting to right the catamaran.
As the storm passed and with strong sustained varying winds blowing north, it wasn’t long before the capsized catamaran and victims were over a mile offshore.
Rescue workers were able to reach the stranded boaters just before 4 p.m., around a mile from North Island in Wild Fowl Bay, Both victims were safely taken aboard the Sheriff Department airboat and brought back to shore in the rough choppy water after the storm.
Once on shore the victims from Farmington Hills, a 38 year old man and a 15 year old woman, refused medical treatment.
The catamaran was left adrift and will be picked up by a salvage company likely sometime today.
Also assisting with a standby rescue boat was the Port Austin Fire Department and Schurer EMS.

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