Civil War Days in Port Sanilac August 7th and 8th

(SANILAC COUNTY) – Join in as the Sanilac County Historic Village & Museum offers a window into Civil War history! Witness demonstrations of campfire cooking, military drills, original artillery pieces, civilian needlework, military and civilian personalities, and more.  Bring the kids for a teachable moment as they participate in military drills, complete with wooden muskets and army caps!  Most of the historic buildings will be open with docents.
Live music from the Civil War era will be performed live from the Carriage Barn Stage at noon and 3pm:
Saturday – Not Quite Ourselves
Sunday – The String Beans
“A Civil War House in Mourning” will be presented in the Mansion on Saturday at 1pm.
The clocks are stopped at the hour of death, the curtains are drawn, the mirrors are draped in black, funeral biscuits are shared with the mourners . . .
Come explore the unusual mourning customs and creepy superstitions of the Victorian and Civil War eras. The Museum’s beautiful antique hearse will also be on display. Great photo opps!

Meet in the historic church at 10am on Sunday morning for a Civil War era church service.

Circus & Lace, a vintage circus, will be performing on Sunday, August 8 at 1pm, with various shorter performances scheduled throughout the day.  Bring a lawn chair.
Civil War Days will be held August 7 and 8, from 11am to 4:30pm, on the beautiful grounds of the Sanilac County Historical Village & Museum, located at 228. S. Ridge St (M25) in Port Sanilac.  All events/performances are included with your paid admission to the Civil War Days event.  Tickets available at the gate: $8 for adults, $5 for children 5-12, and free for children under 5. Two-day passes will be available for $12 for adults and $10 for kids.
Self-guided tours of the beautiful Loop-Harrison Mansion will be offered from *12pm – 4pm, and are priced at $5 for adults, with one child, 12 and under, admitted free with each paying adult.
*No tours will be conducted on Saturday from 1-2pm, due to the House in Mourning presentation.
Food and drink will be available for purchase by Kelly Joy’s Smokehouse.
For more information visit or the Facebook event at or call the office at 810.622.9946.
The Sanilac County Historic Village & Museum is located at 228 S. Ridge St (M25) in Port Sanilac.  For more information visit or on Facebook at “Sanilac County Historic Village & Museum”, or call the office at 810.622.9946.

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