Port Sanilac Summer Festival shines despite rain

(SANILAC COUNTY) – The Port Sanilac Summer Festival wasn’t about to let a little rain dampen things July 23rd, 24th and 25th as hundreds of people gathered at the Port Sanilac Marina and other venues to enjoy a good time.
As has been the case at many other festivals around the Thumb Region, it was obvious people were happy to be gathered once again, after 18 months of the COVID pandemic, to have a good time visiting and taking in the fun whether it was the Port Sanilac fire department Pancake Breakfast or the Car Show just around the corner.
As an added bonus, those gathered along the shoreline of Lake Huron were able to see sailboats taking part in the Port Huron-to-Mackinac Island boat race later Saturday afternoon.
Another crowd pleaser was the setting of playing corn-hole with a marina full of boats as a backdrop.
Despite a bit of rain late Saturday, music filled the municipal park on Sunday under bright sunny skies to cap off a successful weekend.
Members of the Port Sanilac fire department report steady business at their pancake breakfast both Saturday and Sunday, another indication of the community’s continued support of their volunteer fire department.

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