Officials with the City of Sandusky say emergency personnel will be testing the city-wide siren warning system on Wednesday August 25th at 1 pm. All four sirens will be activated for the standard length of time, to test the alerts.
City Manager Dave Faber said earlier this summer, the City had an issue with one of the sirens during a severe storm, prompting officials to look into the system that was installed in 1997.
Faber, who said the ultimate goal is to protect the residents the best way possible and as quickly as possible, said the siren has since been repaired and is in working order.
City council members discussed the issue at a recent meeting and will continue to investigate what is the best way possible to update the warning system.
Faber said he has received one proposal, not including installation, of $70,000 dollars for a total replacement of the four sirens.
A new system, or an upgrade with the current system to install updated technology would be paid for by any available grants and general fund money.