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400-ton transformer meanders to new home near Yale

(SANILAC COUNTY) – An electrical transformer, that is 18 feet tall, 13 feet wide, 35 feet long and weighing over 800,000 pounds was delivered by rail to the area near the Brown City Elevator Wednesday morning, as it made it’s journey to the Greenwood DTE Energy Plant just east of Yale. The transformer was delivered by train to the parking lot on Main Street in Brown City early Wednesday morning. It was then placed on a large transport vehicle that was 166-feet long and powered by two semi-trucks, beginning it’s journey to the Yale area by traveling east on M-90 out of Brown City. The slow-moving convoy, which will include the transformer truck, two police vehicles, two private escort trucks, and utility vehicles, made the journey east and south from Brown City as workers lifted various lines stretched across the two state highways to allow the transformer to clear the wires. The journey to it’s resting place was reported to be moving down M-19 late Wednesday morning and scheduled to pass through Yale, turning east on Norman Road south of Yale and east to the DTE facility.

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