Improvements continue; Beet harvest underway


(SANILAC COUNTY) – When traveling near the Croswell-Lexington high school, motorists can’t help but notice a large white hoop barn on property owned by Michigan Sugar.
While it appears to be large enough for an indoor stadium, the structure is actually part of the company’s $70 million dollar investment in the Croswell plant.
Sugar beet growers took to the fields this week to begin the 2021 sugar harvest as three of the four sugar plant in Michigan began operations.
The Croswell plant was expected to come on line late this week as the harvest gains momentum as farmer’s began harvesting their crop August 16th.
Another $65 million dollar project is underway at the Monitor Township plant near Bay City, making the company’s total investment in the two plants more than $135 million dollars.
More than 160,000 acres of beets are expected to be harvested this fall, coming from over five million tons of the sweet crop.

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