(SANILAC COUNTY) -The Sandusky school board met Monday evening, approving eight hirings, including Heath Harris as the new JV girls basketball coach and Brandy Davis as the new high school secretary.
The Board also directed Superintendent Paul Flynn to form a committee utilizing staff, students and members of the community to investigate the feasibility of retiring the Redskins logo.
Flynn said the board asked for information in considering the move and pointed out the move both in the State and Nationally, to retire the Redskin logo.
When considering the move, the board will weigh the cost, which is expected to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to do.
Flynn said he has spoken with officials from the Paw Paw and Clinton school districts, both of whom have Redskin logos, and have recently changed to a new mascot logo.
Paw Paw spent around $300,000 dollars to make the change, according to Flynn.
The Native American Indian Fund has been issuing grants to schools to help financially with the changes. While Flynn said he was confident a grant may be issued to help with associated costs, should Sandusky decide to make the move, the General Fund would be used for any costs not covered by a potential grant.
Flynn said Sandusky is one of less than a dozen schools in the State that have the Redskin logo and most, if not all, have either made a change or gathering information to consider a change.
The Sandusky committee is expected to be formed before the next school board meeting October 18th.