Clean-up continues from wind storm

(THUMB REGION) – While clean-up from this week’s wind storm on Tuesday and Wednesday continues, the rain has moved on from the area, leaving more than 20,000 customers without power in the Thumb Region.
In Huron County, in the Sand Point-Caseville area, more than 2,500 hundred customers were without power while another 1,300 were in the dark in the Port Austin area. Another 1,100 customers around the Harbor Beach area had sustained damage, interrupting power.
Meanwhile, in Sanilac County, around 3,000 people remain without power in the Lexington area, one of the County’s hardest hit areas. All along the shoreline of Lake Huron, from Lexington Heights north to Harbor Beach, winds in excess of 50 mph pounded shorelines causing erosion, knocking out power service and downing numerous trees along the M-25 corridor.
Peck and Carsonville-Port Sanilac schools were closed Thursday due to the storm effects, as were several schools in St. Clair County.
In Port Huron, firefighters responded to two structure fires and reported 136 calls for assistance during the storm while the Port Huron police reported 117 calls. At at a press conference Thursday, Port Huron City Manager James Freed said it will be days, not hours, before the damage in cleared in the Port Huron area.
DTE estimated 95% of their customers would have power restored by the end of the day Friday.

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