(SANILAC COUNTY) – The topic of using the Redskin logo
has been a hot button, both nationally and locally. Long known as the Washington Redskins, the NFL football team is now known as the Washington Football Team. Likewise, the Cleveland Indians baseball team is dropping their long popular Indian name and looking for a replacement.
Locally, officials with the Sandusky School District have begun an exploratory phase on whether or not a change should be considered for the Sandusky Redskins.
Following recent meetings by the board and a committee that was set up to explore the issue, Superintendent Paul Flynn has issued a statement regarding the issue.
Flynn said, “In recognition of the societal changes and perceptions toward Native American imagery and mascots, Sandusky Community Schools Board of Education has begun discussion in regards to the use of the Redskin as a mascot, and if it is time for change.”
He went on to say, ” Surveys have been sent to parents, students, and staff for feedback. But the Board would also like to hear from people who live in the community and alumni of Sandusky Community Schools. If you would like to give your opinion of the potential change, please send an email to mascotsurveysandusky@k12.mi.us Responses will be accepted through Friday November 5th.”
School officials have stressed nothing has been decided, only preliminary discussions on the issue and if a change is warranted.

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