(SANILAC COUNTY) – And then there two. The Sandusky Redskins, in Sanilac County, are now one of just two schools in the State of Michigan that still have a nickname and logo of the Redskins after two more Michigan school district Boards of Education voted to drop Indian nicknames and images.
Saranac in Ionia County and Hartford in Van Buren County are the latest to make the change. Hartford Superintendent Kelly Millin says the district was greatly influenced by members of the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi.
Millin says the mascot “no longer carries the same point of pride for all that see it.”
The Saranac school board last week voted to stop using the Redskin mascot.
MLive.com says Camden-Frontier schools in Hillsdale County joins the Sandusky district in still calling themselves Redskins.
The Sandusky School Board is seeking input from students, staff and the community through this week before the Board of Education discusses the issue further.
The move has sparked an interest from people throughout the Sandusky area on social media, including alumni, current students, staff, parents and community members, as well as others putting in their two cents worth.
It’s estimated if a change were to be made in Sandusky, it would cost several hundred thousands of dollars.