(SANILAC COUNTY) – The Sanilac County Road Commission will need to dip in to their fund balance in order to balance their proposed budget for 2022.
The news, from Finance Director Terry Taylor at Wednesday’s meeting, was delivered during the Board’s Public Hearing.
According to Taylor, the Road Commission is projecting revenues of around $18,650,000 dollars with expenditures of $18,980,000 dollars.
Taylor told Board members they would need to take around $332,000 from their fund balance which currently has a balance of over $7.4 million dollars, to balance next year’s budget.
In other Road Commission news, Taylor reported to the Board that their Michigan Transportation Fund payment for December was a partial payment, in the amount of $650,000 dollars.
The amount is around $300,000 dollars less than previous months due in part to outstanding funds owed to the Michigan Department of Transportation from Exon that when paid, will be passed along to county entities in the State.
Even without the full payment, Sanilac County has taken in nearly $9.8 million dollars in MTF funds, approximately $800,000 dollars more than last year and over one million dollars more than was received in 2019.
The Road Commission is also awaiting the final two payments for reimbursement of work done for State owned roads, but have taken in over $2.3 million dollars, including reimbursement for major erosion work done along the shoreline near the Washington Road Park in Sanilac Township.
Similar work is scheduled to be done at Mills Road Park in Forester Township yet this fall, using large anchor rock and backfill products to help slow the erosion of shoreline along Lake Huron.
Operations Manager Dale Stolicker said the Road Commission has also been hired by Sanilac County to do soil erosion work at Forester Park estimated to cost $45,000 dollars.
Work in Forester Park is planned to be done this year and early next year, as weather allows.