Huron County to host Active Shooter training

Active Shooter Survival: Preparation and Recovery

The review of Active Shooter incidents at malls, manufacturing facilities, healthcare, offices, houses of worship, colleges, schools and public settings have suggested preventive activities to increase employee and stakeholder survival. This training will focus on helping organizations to understand “best practices” and to develop strategies to prepare for, train to survive, and recover from active shooter and workplace violence incidents.

The training will discuss the Department of Homeland Security ( DHS) Guidelines of Run, Hide, Fight by suggesting individual response “choices” employees may consider during Active Assailant events.

This MIOSHA CET program is designed to:

  • encourage participants to understand types of violent threats
  • strategies to enhance their existing health and safety program’s capabilities
  • develop preparedness strategies for active intruder / shooter incidents.

Tactical employee self-protection and survival choices will be suggested through analysis of videos of active shooter incidents.

Date: 1-12-22




Check in: 12:30 PM

Class: 1:00 PM – 400 PM

Laker School Auditorium

6136 Pigeon Rd. (M142)

Pigeon, Michigan 48755

 Location Contact:
Huron County Sheriff’s Office
Phone: 989-269-6500

There is no fee to attend this program.

This program is supported in part by a CET Grant from MIOSHA.

Seating is limited with Covid precautions suggested.

Registration is required by emailing with message containing what organization you’re from and how many are coming.

Active Shooter Seminar Content:

  • Lessons Learned” from Active Shooter Incidents in office, plant, college, school, houses of worship, healthcare and public settings.

  • Benchmarking best practices and Department of Homeland Security / OSHA Guidelines.

  • Red Flags” – Assessing People of Concern:

    • Who are the “Bad Guys”?

    • Behavioral Indicators of Aggressive People

  • How do “Real People” react during “Real” Active Shooter Incidents

    • Human Reactions to Assaultive Situations

    • Fight, Flight, Freeze

    • Mobilizing Survival Instincts

    • Developing an Employee “Survival Mentality”

    • Converting “Fear” into Survival Choices

  • Shots Fired!

    • What to do in Response Gap between the shots fired, and arrival of the police

    • Defending” Yourself and Your Space – Reacting to Intruders

    • DHS Suggestions of Run, Hide, Fight

      • DHS Considerations on Disrupting, Distracting, Engaging the Perpetrator

  • Managing the Aftermath

    • Reducing Employee Trauma

    • Organizational Re-Stabilization

  • Developing Active Shooter Programs in Your Organization

    • Training Employees

    • Active Shooter Exercises

    • Security Audits

Note: In this training, neither MIOSHA, the trainer or the sponsoring organizations are taking a positon that citizens should violently respond against criminal aggression. Any response to an aggressive situation is the individual’s decision or option. However, a person may not know possible options until they know possible “choices” on how to respond, and countermeasures to consider.

Co-Sponsored By:

Huron County Sheriff’s Department

Laker School District

Center for Workplace Violence Prevention
CET Division, MIOSHA
The Incident Management Team

For additional information you may email or call:
Kenneth Wolf, Ph.D.                248-217-1677
Kenneth Wolf, Ph.D. has conducted Violence Prevention and Threat Assessment trainings for the United States Postal Service, UAW-General Motors, UAW, Chrysler, Eaton Corporation, Intel, Pinkerton, DTE Energy, the United States Army, Los Alamos National Laboratory, municipalities, Fortune 500 Companies, schools, Houses of Worship and healthcare facilities. 

They assist organizations develop Comprehensive Workplace Violence Prevention, train Threat Assessment Teams, conduct Active Shooter Survival Training and Exercises, design Crisis Recovery Programs.

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