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Special guests at Sandusky School Board meeting Monday



Does it stay, or go?

Sandusky school officials and whatever public may be interested in the topic, will be hearing directly from guests at their Monday evening school board meeting, regarding the issue of having the Redskin as the school logo.
A district-wide survey that generated around 70 responses was generally split in opinion, with strong feelings on both sides of the issue.
Superintendent Paul Flynn said there will be a Native American Informational Presentation by members of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe and the Native American Programs Offices from Central Michigan University at the regular Board of Education meeting on Monday January 17th in the high school cafeteria.
The Board meeting will begin at 7:30 pm. and is open to the public.
More than 50 people were in attendance at November’s meeting of the Board, most of whom were there to listen to discussion about whether or not the Sandusky Redskin logo and mascot should be changed.
Along with having discussed the issue of the use of Redskins as their school mascot and logo on-and-off for years, school officials say they have received emails from Native American organizations sharing their opinions and asking the district to consider making a change.
If a change were to be made, school officials estimate the cost to be around $100,000 dollars with potential funding available from native American organizations to help defray the cost.

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