The Sanilac County Historical Society will be holding a fundraiser event this Friday, January 28th at the Stone Lodge in Port Sanilac. The ‘Big Wig Day’ fundraiser is raising funds to cover the costs of moving the historic Bark Shanty/Aitkin House to the Sanilac County Museum grounds. Participants are invited to dine at the Stone Lodge this Friday. Anyone wearing a big and wild wig will receive ten percent off their entire bill, plus the Stone Lodge will donate $5 to the project for each diner that shows up wearing a wig. The Stone Lodge’s minimum goal is to donate for at least 100 guests during Big Wig Day.
Earlier this month, the owners of the historic Bark Shanty/Aitkin House announced that they would be donating the building to the Sanilac County Historical Society and contributing $10,000 towards the total costs of moving the house. The home was built in 1853 and is one of the oldest buildings in Port Sanilac. The Historical Society must raise $75,000 in donations by February 1st to commit to the project, otherwise the home is in danger of being demolished. As of Tuesday, January 25th, the Historical Society has raised just under $53,000. If you’re interested in contributing to the cause, you can contact the Sanilac County Historical Society at 810-622-9946.